The Smart Growth Blog

The missing numbers in your HVAC budget

Written by Geoff Brown | Feb 16, 2023

In this episode of FAQ with AGIQ, we're going to talk about one of the hidden costs that you may not be considering when it comes to HVAC and building design overall.

Episode Transcription:

In this episode of FAQ with AGIQ, we're going to talk about one of the hidden costs that you may not be considering when it comes to HVAC and building design overall. One of the things that's pretty common, of course, is you're going to get quotes for pieces of equipment, for lighting, for benches, for dehumidifiers, for air conditioners.

All of all of your equipment is going to show with a capital line-item cost - cost for that piece of equipment. What you need to ensure is that when you're comparing your overall budgets on individual items, whether that's lighting or trays or HVAC or dehumidification or fertigation, that you're looking at the full installed cost of the system - what is it going to cost you for your contractor to turn over a finished building that you're happy with?

There's a vastly different cost associated with different lighting types or different methods of powering lighting, for instance, or fertigation systems or HVAC systems. HVAC, unfortunately has the widest range of operating costs and they're the most obscure in many ways. But when you're considering different types of HVAC and you're evaluating the return on investment available to you, please ensure that you're using the full install cost of that system, the turnover cost of that building, not just the capital cost of equipment.

They both matter. But the one that matters more is the final number that you have to sign for.

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