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3 Biggest HVAC Mistakes in Vertical Farming

In this episode of Quick HVAC Tips for Vertical Farming, we discuss the three biggest HVAC mistakes that people make in vertical farming - Improper air movement, misapplication of equipment, and improper load calculations.

Episode Transcription:
Hi everybody. My name is Jeff Baylis, and today I want to talk to you about the three biggest HVAC mistakes that people make in vertical farming.

The first is air movement. Making sure that you're going to get that process airflow through your canopy and at an appropriate velocity.

Second is a misapplication of equipment. Your equipment may not be able to control your room tight enough. It may not be reliable in a 24/7 application, and it may just be inefficient, which ultimately in long term, is going to affect your bottom line.

Lastly, is improper load calculations. These are really complex, and with over 160 successful sites, we want to help you make sure you get your site right too.

Thanks for watching! 

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